Happy-Dog Training
Established in Singapore since 2009
Training Dogs Humanely for over 3 Generations. Our Founder Mark, moves back to Singapore with his family after 12 years in the British military
2009-2013 Happy-dog Training is part time
By Word of mouth Happy-Dog
Training starts to grow all be it on a part time basis.
Instructor's bio:
Mark is the founder and owner of Happy-dog Training. He began working with dogs around the age of 7 years old walking dogs for his grandparents who were kennel owners and dog trainers, who have been training dogs humanely for 3 generations. This is where he first started learning the skills of dog handling, training and behaviour.
With generations of knowledge passed down and now A Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA). He attends regular dog training courses yearly to keep up to date with the most advanced training techniques and science based learning theories.
Mark is also a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) Singapore Animal Veterinary Service (AVS) Accredited dog trainer and has spent time volunteering in animal shelters in the UK, Singapore and around the world. Using his skills to help rehabilitate some of the most troubled, fearful and aggressive dogs. Using technics he has picked up over his lifetime with dogs. Mark has never stopped learning ways to train people and their dogs.
2013 Happy-dog Training makes the decision to go Full time.
Mark decides to concentrate on the one job that has always made him happy and by January 2014 Happy-Dog Training Sole Proprietorship is formed.
2017 Happy-dog Training Becomes a Private Ltd Company
Growing fast and with big plans for the future and the need to hire staff, Happy-Dog Training moved to a pte ltd company.