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Reactive Dog Classes
For Dog to Dog Aggression
These days many people understand the importance of early puppyhood socialisation. They take their puppy to group training classes. This is a wonderful start for development and it has done a lot to improve the temperament of countless dogs, but the same 4 to 8 Dogs is not nearly enough.
Unfortunately, after this period of early socialisation many owners stop. They see that their hard work has paid off and that their puppy is friendly and sociable.
What they don't realize is that dogs naturally become more shy and standoffish as they get older. Adolescent and adult dogs develop fears and phobias to things that they aren't continually exposed to.
Keeping your dog well-socialised to other dogs is not so easy, and often this area of their socialisation deteriorates the most rapidly. At some point most dogs will get into at least one fight with another dog. Unfortunately this often marks the beginning of the end when it comes to their socialisation with other dogs. The owners want to avoid future fights so they avoid future opportunities to socialize. The dogs socialisation deteriorates further and the likelihood of them fighting when they see another dog increases.
Resolving this problem in the course of everyday life is very difficult. Happy-dog Training will show you how to use our reactive Dog Class to classically condition dogs and rehabilitate and re-socialize them to once again enjoy the company of other dogs and have great walks.
Reactive dogs after one group class

The Reactive dog classes are private one on one sessions with our trainer at your home, the 1st class will take a detailed history and assess your dog. You will be given training Homework with important leash & focus skills for both you and dog to learn and practice using the most up to date science based reward training techniques .
The 2nd & 3rd Sessions - The evaluation / assessment class may be held in a group class or in/near a dog park.
Reactive dog classes @ $200 per class!
Many dogs lunge and bark at other dogs when on-leash, a behavior that us trainers call “leash reactivity.” There are a number of reasons why dogs develop this problem. Some fear or dislike other dogs because of a bad experience or because they weren’t well socialized to other dogs during puppyhood. For these dogs, barking and lunging on-leash serves a purpose—it keeps approaching dogs away. Other leash-reactive dogs like other dogs, in fact they enjoy playing and greeting so much that they become intensely frustrated when they’re restrained.
Living with a leash-reactive dog can be quite embarrassing, especially if you live in a city
like Singapore and can sometimes only exercise your dog by taking him on leashed walks.
To avoid embarrassment and frustration, you may take your dog on shorter walks, perhaps at times when you know other dogs won’t be around. Unfortunately, a lack of exercise and exposure to other dogs can fuel a dog’s agitation.
Now Get Help from Happy-Dog Training and lets get your dog enjoying walks again.